Sophisticated Finish options, four decades of experience - handcrafted and designed with love & passion.
We partner only with well established brands, respectively using as well our own created finishes.
Authentic Moroccan Tadelakt, puristic modern or in ancient look applicated.
Marsh limestone plaster, putty, sludge and paints in various (also ancient) application processes. We use specifically famous Austrian “DULLINGER-KALK” lime products.
Finest natural clay plaster surfaces in many variations, texture and colours. Depending on the nature of the location we could propose additional features like crashed seashells, mother-of-pearl, crushed lava, drift wood, straw, etc.
Natural clay stucco in shiny or matt applications.
Rammed earth, natural clay for walls and floors.
Rock-plaster, applied in multiple layers and many rustic, natural looking variations.
Antique "Adobe" clay plaster & Ancient Oman "Sarooj" mud/lime plaster.
Provencal country style lime plaster.
Tuscan country style earth plaster.
Venetian, high-end Stucco fine marble plaster.
Fascinated rusty surfaces. Artistic effects with patina.
Long Island "The Hampton's" walls, marsh lime plaster based.
“Beton Ciré” (Micro - Cement) naturally based
Beton spatula method - seamless walls and floors, natural waxed.
Corten-steel, various surface linings, like shower walls...
Eco-friendly milk, chalk & clay paint for walls and furniture, puristic modern or in rustic shabby look style
Mosaic works with various materials like marble, pebble stones, crushed tiles, wood, leather, shells, etc.
Vegetable tanned Buffalo leather surfaces for walls, columns, floors and selective furniture
Exclusive Salmon leather surfaces, like for kitchen front cupboards.
Mature timber - floors & custom-made furniture.
Custom created concrete wash basins... covered with original Moroccan Tadelakt.
Custom created interior & landscape constructions.
Belgium Blue stone floor & wall surfaces.
British handcrafted glazed lime slides. Standard size 80 x 60 cm. Special sizes (Larger) on request.
Hypocaust - oven Systems for walls and floors.
Beach lagoon pools, complete designs with a sufficient time schedule of minimum 3 months lead time.
Wood-fired hot tubs for terrace & garden
Authentischer marokkanischer Tadelakt, verarbeitet als puristisch modern, oder im antiken Vintage Design.
Sumpfkalk-Putze, Kalkglätte, Schlämme, sowie Kalkfarben. Hierbei verwenden wir ausschließlich die einzigartigen Produkte der alteingesessenen Salzburger Manufaktur “Dullinger Kalk GmbH“.
Lehmputze in diversen Ausführungsvariationen und Farben. Auf Wunsch mit Lederseifen, Gräsern, Blüten, mediterranen Ölen und Naturwachsen veredelt.
Felsputze, kreativ gestaltet in mehrschichtigen, rustikal und natürlich aussehenden Formationen.
Natürlicher Glanzlehm, Stucco.
Stampf-Lehm für Böden, Wände, Kamine, Öfen, etc.
Rustikale "Adobe" Lehmputze & Omanischer "Sarooj"
Provenzalische - Südfranzösische Landhaus-Innen putze.
Toskanische und Südtiroler Klosterputze
Exklusive venezianische Kalkputze
Friesische Muschelkalkputze.
Beton Ciré (Micro Zement)
Betonspachtel Oberflächen für fugenlose Duschwände und Böden, dauerhaft gegen Feuchtigkeit behandelt.
Fugenlos gespachtelt & gewachste Kalk-Zementböden.
Faszination Rost. Künstlerische Effekte mit Patina.
Cortenstahl - Platten, Rostdesign. Wandverkleidungen.
Ökologische Milch - Kalk und Lehmfarben-Anstriche für Wandoberflächen und “Shabby-Chic Look” Möbel.
Mosaikarbeiten mit unterschiedlichen Materialien wie Marmor, gebrochenen Fliesen, Holz, Leder, etc.
Belgischer Blaustein als Boden - & Wandverblendung.
Matt lasierte "Colchester" Boden Kalksteinplatten.
Pflanzlich gegerbte Büffel-Lederoberflächen für Wände, Säulen, Böden und diverse Möbel.
Exklusive Lachsleder Verblendungen… z.B. für Küchenfronten.
Aus Altholz gefertigte Dielenböden & Möbel.
Individuelle Innenausbauten, vor-gemauert mit Porenbeton. (Regale, Bänke, Tische, u.v.m.
Britisch handgefertigte Keramikboden - Platten, matt oder auf Glanz gebrannt. Standardmaß 80 x 60 cm. Sondermaße auf Anfrage möglich.
Hypokausten-Systeme, beheizt über Öfen/Kamine für Wände und Böden.
Lagunen- Beachpools - Gesamtgestaltungen, mit mindestens 3-monatiger Vorlaufzeit)
Holzbefeuerte Whirlpools für Terrasse & Garten
Aspects of the distinction hand-crafted techniques for various natural finishes, like clay plaster, various marsh
lime products and specifically for original authentic Moroccan Tadelakt that we employ:
A unique way in which we work is the fact that the work is all custom-made and the surface is individually and finely hand-formed, creating a sense of aesthetic elegance to the rooms. This distinctive free-form method allows the unique stamp of the artist, as well as the fine qualities of the superior materials to shine through, thereby truly complementing the exceptional design of your project.
This result in a one-of-a-kind, custom-crafted and created surface, replete with the inherent evidence of a unique free-form presentation.
Rather than a super flat and static surface, which would often result from traditional plastering or painting, the end result of this hand-rendered method is an extremely subtly textured surface, lending a quality that is reminiscent of the finely rendered elegant homes.
The artist’s methodical hand modelling off almost indiscernible curves at the seams additionally eliminates seams/corners that would interfere with the aesthetic sensibilities of the observer.
All surfaces are also subsequently hand-polished, bristle-brushed and “sponged” (clay walls) in one direction to a very fine patina, creating a sense of depth, movement, and subtle texture to the one-of-a-kind surface that will be singularly exceptional to your home.
Our fine finishing clay and stone plaster are indeed unique custom compounds that allow for the circulation of air, yet remain impermeable to humidity (Authentic Moroccan Tadelakt).
The fact that our clay plaster is a breathable finish allows for the absorption and humidity fluctuations, in addition to the very good sound acoustic references and odours. NO ordinary plaster can make this claim.
Our finishes contains NO toxic poison, no chemical or pigment additives which are not natural, thereby contributing to the overall healthy environment in which to enjoy your home. The materials also prevents the formation of fungi.
The surface of the walls can be finished with varying degrees of textured patina, ranging from fairly smooth, to matte, rubbed (fine/coarse), to brushed.
The material is extremely fire-resistant, as opposed to some traditional plaster on the market.
It can indeed last indefinitely with appropriate care. Any repair (while highly unnecessary) can be easily done via a spot veneer coating.
Our materials can be custom-mixed in myriad shades of colour, in addition to the fact that adding other natural ingredients from the environment can lend a unique quality to your rooms… for instance, the addition of seashells or mother-of-pearl, to the compound lends a soft patina, while the addition of straw or lava-stone adds a somewhat rustic quality to the environment.
The raw materials come from deep layers of quarries from throughout Europe, the US and Africa, and its unique qualities add new life to this exciting and ancient way in which to render the surface of your project.
This ecologically, and health-improving material actually brings the use of the earth’s clay to new heights of elegant design and simply dignified beauty. Some of the finishes retains the translucence of a sun-drenched beach, with the subtle glimmer of seashells.